Leaving Germany
by Tejas Shirodkar on Aug.19, 2011, under Object(s), Other, People, Personal, Photography, Uncategorized
Today is the last night I will be spending in Germany for quite some time to come.
The past few weeks/month have been quite hectic with planning the move back to India, travelling with my mom who was on vacation and the GDC Europe/Gamescom week.
Having had a great time at GDC Europe 2011 and Gamescom, which got really tiring, I finally get a day off to relax before I head back tomorrow.
Really looking forward to spending time with family before I fly out to Hyderabad for a very exciting position.
The time spent here was a great learning experience and I made some very close friends while here, a big thanks to everyone who influenced me or was a part of my journey, kudos to you all.
For now, I have collected some of the photographs I have been taking in the last month or so and am uploading them before I end up with who knows what upload speeds.
Until next time, Cheers!
March-April 2011
by Tejas Shirodkar on Apr.16, 2011, under Object(s), People, Photography
A selection of some random photographs from evenings spent in Villingen these past few weeks!
- Falk Portrait 1
- Falk Portrait 2
- Falk Portrait 3
- Walks in Villingen 1
- Walks in Villingen 2
- Walks in Villingen 3
- Walks in Villingen 4
- Walks in Villingen 5
- Walks in Villingen 6
- Portrait 4
October 2010
by Tejas Shirodkar on Nov.06, 2010, under Landscape, Object(s), People, Photography
After writing the last post, I was kind of filled with guilt at not having posted some photographs in quite some time.
The most major reason being a little lack of time and my skills going from bad to worse 😀
In any case I picked up a couple I thought I could post here and here they are.
July 2010
by Tejas Shirodkar on Aug.07, 2010, under Object(s), People, Photography
I had a busy last month with a lot of things going on at the same time… regardless of that I did manage to find some time to take some photographs. For this month though am the most excited about attending GDC Europe (Game Developers Conference) and Gamescom next week!!!
On another note I have started uploading the web versions at twice the earlier resolution for some extra detail at full size. Anyhow, here are some of the photographs from July.
June 2010 – Part 1
by Tejas Shirodkar on Jul.11, 2010, under Macro, Object(s), People, Photography, Wildlife
I was traveling most of June and got the opportunity to take some good photographs. Now as there are quite a few pictures I feel like posting here, this will probably be a 3 part post. Anyways here they are, do let me know what you think of them 🙂
Objects 1
by Tejas Shirodkar on Jul.10, 2010, under Object(s), Photography
A couple of shots I took of random objects lying around or with me…