Leaving Germany
by Tejas Shirodkar on Aug.19, 2011, under Object(s), Other, People, Personal, Photography, Uncategorized
Today is the last night I will be spending in Germany for quite some time to come.
The past few weeks/month have been quite hectic with planning the move back to India, travelling with my mom who was on vacation and the GDC Europe/Gamescom week.
Having had a great time at GDC Europe 2011 and Gamescom, which got really tiring, I finally get a day off to relax before I head back tomorrow.
Really looking forward to spending time with family before I fly out to Hyderabad for a very exciting position.
The time spent here was a great learning experience and I made some very close friends while here, a big thanks to everyone who influenced me or was a part of my journey, kudos to you all.
For now, I have collected some of the photographs I have been taking in the last month or so and am uploading them before I end up with who knows what upload speeds.
Until next time, Cheers!
Server changes and website issues
by Tejas Shirodkar on Feb.19, 2011, under Development, Uncategorized
A couple of days back I received an email from my hosting provider that they were making changes to the PHP servers and how they host the sites. This was after I found out that half of my site was broken because of those changes. Even though I have fixed most of the issues, it would be great if anyone who finds something broken would inform me of it!
Do it yourself Dinner
by Tejas Shirodkar on Dec.18, 2009, under Uncategorized
I just moved into my appartment today and finally have a place to call home! The first thing I wanted to try out was cook myself.
I got some basic stuff from the super market and got cracking. Before anything else let me say this – chopping onions isn’t as easy as it looks!!!
First Do it Yourself Meal
Bought another domain – shirodkar.info
by Tejas Shirodkar on May.17, 2009, under Uncategorized
Hey peeps,
Just a couple of days ago I bought another domain name – shirodkar.info. I spent a sleepless night getting it configured properly and sent mails/called up the hosting provider like a 100 times to get it working properly. The domain set up process was pretty smooth in itself but was behaving in a weird manner for some sub-domains.